
Liberty Backs the Blue / Polaroid Emulsion Lift 2020
Freedom is found in the strength in our numbers
and is the love that shakes through our voices.
Freedom is found in change and acceptance.
There is no change if we do not continue to identify
our differences and make actions to celebrate them.
Freedom comes when we are able to recognize and
dismantle our prejudices and allow positive reactions
towards what may be ‘different’ from what we are
and always known. We are not alone in this fight.
I know there is a better world for us.
I have seen the change in our movement and a movement in our change.
I know joy runs through our songs
and laughter through the mist of our adversity.
In our double masks and latex gloves we give our all.
I know another world is possible.
Through photographing several movement over the past year in the midst of a global pandemic,
I wanted to emphasize the progression of Boston movements.
Through a chronological perspective, reality appears to become more visually present.
It is not just pro Trump propaganda,
it is what it always has been.
It is bigotry and it is hatred.
There is no need for white supremacy and racism to hide anymore
especially not through to the end of Trump's presidency.
Who’s voices are heard more loudly?
What truths are allowed to be seen?
Who is America and what does that person look like?

Liberty Backs the Blue / Original Polaroid - Quincy, MA -October 7th 2020

Proud Boy Piggy / Original Polaroid - Copley Square, Boston, MA - October 18th 2020

Whose America? / Original Expired Polaroid - Quincy, MA -October 7th 2020

Jail Trump / Original Polaroid - Copley Square, Boston, MA - October 18th 2020

Chaos in Copley / Original Polaroid - Copley Square, Boston, MA - October 18th 2020

Burning Trump / Original Polaroid - West Roxbury, Boston, MA - September 9th 2020

BlackBoston Activist Yari / Original Polaroid - West Roxbury, Boston, MA - September 9th 2020

Jail Killer Cops / Original Expired Polaroid - Quincy, MA -October 7th 2020

The People United / Freedom Fighters Coalition Activist Ernst
Original Polaroid - Boston, MA - September 25th 2020
Original Polaroid - Boston, MA - September 25th 2020

Harriet Tubman House Alter for Breonna Taylor / Polaroid Lab - Boston, MA - October 2nd, 2020

Hold it High outside of Boston Police Department - Original Polaroid - Boston, MA - September 25th 2020

Say Their Names Umbrella / Original Polaroid - Nubian Square, Boston, MA - September 25th 2020
︎ All Visuals by Annielly Camargo ︎
︎ ︎
︎ 857-498-4532 ︎
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